A Page From My Journal: E.1- A life update!

Hello friends! I know it has been a while since I have shared on my channel. Recently, I had given some thought to doing a series in a more intimate setting. So, this is going to be words purely from my mind expressing my journey and walk with Christ.

Just to give a little bit of a life update, the Lord has given me multiple passions and gifts throughout my time on this earth. I was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) so something that I inherited was my love of creativity! I love everything (and I mean everything) that deals with creativity and the arts. I channel my creativity through music, writing, journaling, crafts, soap making, etc.

While I was talking to a sister of mine, I expressed that God gives us individual talents for the purpose of sharing those talents with others and multiplying them. A perfect example of this is found in the telling of the “Parable of the Talents” in Matthew 25:14-30. In this parable, there was a man and his servants in which he dispersed his goods (his talents) unto them. One received 5, the second received 2, and the last received 1. The first shared his 5 talents with the world, and in return, it multiplied to 10. The second went and shared his talents and in return, it multiplied to 2. However, the third servant hid his talent from everyone and dug it into the earth. When the master came back to see what his servants had accomplished the first and second were able to multiply their talents by sharing them, while the third his away in the earth. In doing so, the master took his talent away and gave it unto the first servant with the 10 talents.

This is all to say, God gives us talents for the purpose of them being shared for His glory. Our ENTIRE purpose on this earth is to glorify the Father in everything that we do (1 Corinthians 10:31, 2 Corinthians 9: 7,8 & Hebrews 13: 20, 21) and not sharing our talents with the world is a disservice to God. If you don’t share what he gave you, he WILL find someone else to do so although it was never in his plan to not have you give that message or share that gift.

We shouldn’t be concerned about how much God has given others, for he knows what’s in our hearts and he knows what we can handle. If you can only handle 1, that 1 is specifically for you, and that is essential in this world in order to spread God's message and love to this world. Use it and multiply your talents! A friend of mine always says “the richest place on this earth is the grave” because people die without having shared all of the talents God has given them. It is our right, our duty and our privilege to share what God has shared with us.

In an effort to do so, I will be continuing this series “ A Page From My Journal” to share some thoughts that come to mind when the spirit speaks to me.

Another quick life update: God has blessed me with two ministries! Expressing that I have so much creativity that God has instilled, the spirit impresses upon me to share that love of crafting and soap making with others. I have a stationery site, now live! On my site, I have pieces & items from other creatives and small women-owned businesses all over the country and world alongside my own hand made stationery. My other craft is soap making in which I created Fullers Soap, a natural handmade soap, and skincare company (based on Malachi 3:2) made to help rid of skincare problems and learn about how to take care of the largest organ of the body (your skin!) as well as spread the message of purifying the church in order to create a people who will be able to stand during Christ’s coming. Check out this post for more on the origin of this ministry and why God gave it to me.

Check out my stationery site: Ashley's Stationery

Check out my soap and skincare site: Fuller's Soap

Thank you for reading a bit with me today, sisters.


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A Page From My Journal: Entry 2- Does Every Decision Matter?


Why Modesty? My Testimony