Why Modesty? My Testimony

Finding Jesus

Being born into a Catholic home, everyone goes through baptism as a newborn, attends Sunday school, and receives their first communion. I didn't learn much but the obvious "God is good all the time", "He loves all" and repeat a certain amount of Hail Mary's to be cleansed for your sin. As far as learning about who Jesus IS, and his character, I learned none of that there, nor was I interested at the time. Religion was one of those things I did to please my family.  When I would go to mass, I would wear whatever I wanted-- jeans and a t-shirt, because I was told that “God will accept me no matter what”, “Come as you are” and clothing "did not matter." And while that is true (!), Jesus never leaves us the way that we were. There is transformation at the feet of Jesus. We can come to Jesus with piercings, tattoos, provocative dress, but after seeing Jesus, there is a transformation in our lives! We won’t leave as we came.

When I graduated high school, I decided to go my own way. I moved to California to pursue a dancing career. The provocative dress is very prevalent in the dancing community especially for "dressing to impress" and networking. You could say, I was a part of that bunch. I wasn't half-naked, but I certainly wasn't modest. Though dancing was my passion, I felt incomplete. It was then that I realized I was beginning to look for God in all the wrong places, which was new for me. I always acknowledged God, I just had no interest in finding Him, and it wasn't long before he found me.

Finding a Church- ICOC


I soon met a few people (also dancers) who went to a non-denominational Sunday church, an ICOC (International Church of Christ.) I definitely gained a lot of knowledge about Christ there and was given many tools to deepen my experience, really build my relationship with God. Here, I was shown my first guidelines on modesty: why modesty should be considered, and what purpose it serves--this was a great stepping stone for me. Although not much about my dress changed, I became more conscious of what I was wearing and careful not to be too revealing. I then studied the bible and was also baptized into the church-- A HUGE deal for me! I finally felt like I had found a piece of something I was missing...and yet still it wasn't enough. After a few months, as I studied the bible with a close friend from a different denomination, I realized God had bigger plans for me. It was difficult to follow my convictions at first because the church I was in became my family and going to church on Sunday had been my family's tradition for years, so discovering new things about the Bible that told me to do otherwise scared me! I feared I would let down all the people who surrounded me and helped me in my journey. I feared people would view me differently and think that I was lost. Most importantly I feared I would lose good friends. Even so, God did not give me a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). When God tells you to move, you move. And so, I went with my convictions that I developed despite all of these fears.God then led me to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which was a critical turning point in my life. I mean, my entire life changed! I learned that being a Child of God is not just a title you take on, it includes EVERYTHING in your life; how you eat, how you speak, how you dress, how you love. ALL things are done for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). I began to realize the true definition of giving your life to Jesus. Slowly, things about me started changing. People questioned and of course, it seemed radical to some while others were supportive. Brothers and sisters, I encourage you, if others find it radical that you die to self, and give your life to Jesus, then let it be so!! Make him your priority. If God is for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31). This is our privilege.

Turning to Modesty


Dress reform became a popular topic for me because I constantly found myself surrounded by people who had made it a culture to walk around extremely exposed (especially in the city) unaware as to how many souls they were killing for the sake of fashion. In today's society, what I just said, WILL be debated. Today, a woman's rights, as well as the importance of her not being objectified by men, is heavily endorsed. Yet so few recognize how we objectify ourselves in the way we choose to be presented! We are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made (Psalm 139:14). There IS power in the way that we dress, and whether it be used for good or for evil is entirely up to us.

I was deeply saddened to find immodesty even among God's people. At first, I didn't think I was wrong if I'd wear heavily ripped jeans so long as I had a covering shirt. I saw nothing wrong with a form-fitted dress if it was long enough. I hadn't even looked into the history of PANTS before! And to be honest, It was VERY difficult changing my dress. I thought wearing skirts and dresses all the time would age me or make me look frumpy. I was never a skirt and dresses kind of girl to begin with. Once I experienced the joy of modestly dressing for the Lord, I found the courage to roll with my conviction. I went from wearing crop tops, tight jeans, leggings, form-fitting dresses, etc. to skirts, dresses, and sweaters of proper fit. I went from feeling regular and "fitting in" to feeling like the peculiar treasure I am in God's eyes. What a waste it is to seek temporary comfort in this world when everlasting comfort is in the Lord. You can have all of this world, I will see Jesus! My work is to be a living vessel for Jesus, to cooperate with Him as his spirit flows in every aspect of my life. It is my prayer that He will influence other individual's life through modesty to bring them to the main message-- Christ. God Bless,


A Page From My Journal: E.1- A life update!


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