A Page From My Journal: Entry 2- Does Every Decision Matter?

The Mind & Thought

Every second of every minute of every hour of every day, you make a decision: what you end up eating and at what time. Your interactions with family members and coworkers. Your response to the bystander on the train. The response to a rude customer at work. The words that you speak to others. Everything is a choice birthed from a thought.

For as he thinketh in his heart [mind], so is he:” (Proverbs 23:7)

Do you often complain? Do you have road rage? How do you speak to others that you meet on a daily basis? The cashier at the supermarket or the speedy driver on the highway beside you?

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Every response and action we take is either a service or a disservice to God in these last days. Surrender yourself. Allow Christ to show his character through you!

Every action taken is a decision and every decision builds a habit which forms your character. If you are in the business of constant complaining and gossip, this has already become a habit for you. If you wake up every morning giving gratitude and praise- this is a habit. Your decisions and choices are the results of your thinking. You are the product of your thoughts. While this crisis is going on in the world, there is much much more to come. I emphatically say that we are in the end times and that Christ IS coming soon. This is just the beginning (Matthew 24: 3-14). When put under pressure, will you stand in your convictions? Will your faith be sure? If you do not build a solid foundation on the rock, being Christ, I can tell you right now, your faith will be shaken.

When Jesus says “And he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still” (Revelation 22:11) He is stating what He sees at that moment. When it comes to your salvation, there is no gray area. Every day we allow ourselves to be a device in this great controversy - are we an instrument of the enemy or are we an instrument of Christ at this moment? It REALLY DOES BOIL DOWN TO THIS. Every moment should be treated as a judgment for the simple fact that we are habitual beings. It is impossible to live a life of sin and when judgment day comes, to switch your character. These things take time! If you have two plants, soon to be a lemon tree and a mango tree, and you water your lemon tree constantly, but in the end, you need the mango tree, you cannot have mangos miraculously grow from the lemon tree. The fruit of that tree will grow, beloved. The other tree was not watered, and it withered away.

The Marriage & Character

Just as you enter a marriage, you do not become a miraculously new person once married.

Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil” (Jeremiah 13:23)

The character you had prior to the marriage is merely revealed in the marriage. You become accustomed to the habits you have and those habits build your character. Our soul salvation depends on the character that is built in us. Every decision waters a plant and eventually, the plant will sprout fruit; Every spiteful decision and thought waters a character of sin, and every praise and good work, done in Jesus’ name, waters a character which glorifies Christ.

Jesus is preparing people to perfectly reflect His character. Now, why is this important? Why does this matter??

Let’s go back to the marriage. To be a Christian is to be married to Christ. Do you know your husband? Do you know His character? Do you talk to Him? To get into heaven, we must be equally yoked with our husband in heaven as we are with our earthly husband (2 Corinthians 6:14).

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3).

The way to be equally yoked with Christ is to have the character and mind of Jesus Christ! Think about it: you’re in heaven with Christ for the rest of eternity and you don’t care to know about Him, spend time with Him, and you don’t want to live in any kind of way that Christ lives— do you really think you’ll be happy in heaven for the rest of eternity with someone you don’t know and have nothing in common with? This is a PERSONAL experience. You have to know God for yourself. God does not force anyone to love him, and if you would like to spend the rest of eternity with him, you must have a character that blends and fits in with the rest of heaven. Christ wants you to know what heaven is going to be like now, so you don’t end up in an unhappy marriage for the rest of eternity. We must build this perfect character here on earth before reaching heaven. And this character is built through time with Christ and choices made in correlation.

I pray that each person reading this be blessed and really takes these thoughts into consideration in these times.


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A Page From My Journal: Entry 3- God Loves Them Too.


A Page From My Journal: E.1- A life update!