Tips on Shopping Modestly


"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;" - 1 Timothy 2:9

Being modest doesn't only include your dress, it includes your conduct and your heart as well. For the sake of not writing you a 10 paged essay on Modesty as a WHOLE, I'll be focusing on a modest dress only for this post.Dressing modestly, as a Christian, has little to do with you, and everything to do with God. We are to be a reflection of Jesus, and to be set apart from the world ("And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." -Romans 12:2).Dressing modestly affects those around you. While it isn't wise to judge a book by its cover, people often form their first opinions based on outward appearance. The world is watching! If we want to honor Christ, it should be apparent in everything that we do ("Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God."- 1 Corinthians 10:31). Naturally, if we are dressing modestly around others, often enough, it arouses interest in them. And before you know it, others are following in your footsteps! That is how trends begin! Let it begin with YOU! It's a big world but no-one else can bring to others what YOU can except YOU! You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).At the beginning of my modest journey, I found it extremely difficult to find acceptable clothing that was both honorable for God and fashionable. I didn't think it would coincide, and to be honest it was off-putting to me. After much research and digging, I found it not only possible but my passion for dressing modestly for Christ grew! I promise you, we can stand apart from worldly fashions and still look beautiful. That being said, it can be tough shopping for modest clothing in most stores, but it is not impossible!Here, I'm going to share with you 5 useful things to keep in mind when shopping for modest apparel in stores:Remember, if you have to question whether it's "modest enough", it's probably not. In this day and age, it's pretty much against fashion trends to wear long skirts and less form-fitting apparel, so finding them isn't going to be a walk in the park. If it's pretty long but form-fitting, it may not fit the bill. Be mindful of your own body shape-- what can be appropriate for someone else may not be appropriate for you.

Modest Fit

My dresses/skirts are usually "flowy" or loose-fitting. Oversized clothing may give off a frumpy appearance, so I stay within my size range. On the other hand, being able to see every curve of your body can draw unwanted attention. Stay away from form-fitting dresses that accentuate your body and give off a silhouette. Not too loose, not too tight, just right!


The way I determine if a dress's length is modest is by testing it while sitting down. I prefer my dresses and skirts to fall below the knee when SITTING. When standing, it falls mid-shin (when wearing a midi length) or below the ankles (when wearing a maxi length). If it rises, and you find yourself constantly adjusting your skirt/dress, it's too short for you.

Cover your limbs

Overexposed limbs also draw a lot of attention. Spaghetti straps or strapless dresses I'd stay away from. All of my dresses are short sleeves, 3/4, or long sleeves. Any sleeveless dress I own is always paired with a sweater or shawl to cover my shoulders and arms.


 Depending on your body type, certain dress cuts on the top half of your dress may or may not be modest. If you have been extra blessed on the top half of your body, a V-line dress may be too accentuating to your body. 


See-through dresses are very popular now, and since thin material is cheaper, most women's clothing at popular stores are light and thin. Wearing such a skirt, with a short slip underneath, does not qualify as modest, ladies. Being able to see what is under your clothing is just as distracting to the eye as wearing a short skirt. If you do decide on see-through dresses, make sure to get a slip that is opaque and of appropriate length. Lace material also gives a "sexy" feel to your outfit, which isn't very reserved. I hope this information has blessed you, sisters.MaranathaSignature (2)


Why Modesty? My Testimony