Introducing Our Sister, Lavinia! Journey to Modesty

Hey friends, sisters, and family!

Welcome, welcome, welcome! I’m so glad that you’ve found yourself here at the Modern Modest. Firstly, I just want to highlight that here at Modern Modest, there is always a seat at the table for you wherever you may be in your modesty journey with the Lord. So, feel free to interact and share with us your experience too!So, disclaimers out of the way let me actually introduce myself!

A Short Introduction

My name is Lavinia, like Ashley I’m a 20 something-year-old Christian (Adventist) woman who has a passion for Godly femininity/womanhood and modesty. Now this has not always been the case (maybe I can share my full testimony another time) and I am constantly learning what these concepts truly mean but I’m definitely not what I used to be and for that, I say thank you, amen hallelujah!Isn’t it amazing how God leads?  I don’t know about you, but when I reflect back on my life, I am amazed at how His providence has guided me and brings me to places, opportunities, or circumstances I would never have dreamed of! I never would have thought this time last year, that I would be here doing this, but His ways are not my ways (Isaiah 55: 8-9). While I could say a lot of things regarding modesty, in the first article, I think it’s important not to uphold an article of clothing, but a PERSON.  


I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

John 15:5-7

True Modesty

I mean, what benefit will it be if we wore all the right modest things but failed to know the person who is the epitome of modesty? It’s a natural disposition for us all as human beings to want to feel a sense of purpose. Often times as young women, we look in all the wrong places to find this sense of purpose, a sense of fulfillment. The truth of the matter is, ONLY Christ Jesus can give it to us. Even while writing this I recognize that the problem isn't that we don’t know that Christ is the answer. We know in theory that Christ is the only source of fulfillment, but we don’t actually LIVE like it, I don’t live like it as I should. As a result, we continue to feed on broken cisterns that can hold no water and we fail to come to Christ the living fountain. You may be thinking, what has this to do with the topic of modesty?

A Person

Well, friends, the real issue is that we need Christ to achieve True Beauty that goes beyond the surface. We cannot conjure it up within ourselves, we cannot even go to the shop and purchase it, or read an article concerning it. No, it’s a gift from Christ Himself! That means we must know Him, the person Christ Jesus. We might have all the right intentions but unless Christ lives in me, in you, in us all, we may have a form, a type of modesty only to find it is a counterfeit. Praise the Lord that Christ is willing, longing, itching to give it to us all! I pray this ministry challenges us all at whatever stage in our Christian journey, and that above all, we come to know Jesus in a much deeper, personal, intimate way. Please stay tuned, by God’s grace we have a lot more to come for you all.God bless!


Devotional Series: The Crown Within the Cross.


God's Ministries (Part 1): Fullers Soap & Skincare Origin