Outward Appearance: Does it matter?

Don’t judge a book by its cover… or do?

We all know the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”, and yet isn't that the first thing everyone does?  There IS more to a book than its cover, that is true. Yet the first thing you see is the cover and its purpose is to strategically reveal information about the book. When shopping for your next read, take a look at the cover first then the blurb, which is all the outward appearance. It is meant to convey certain characteristics and details about what the book is really about. If  you see a book cover that's unappealing, are you going to read it? Whether we'd like to admit it, there has been a time we all saw someone, and thought we knew the character they entail. That is because outward appearance is a factor that (usually) gives a piece of the persons personality to the world.This is all to say we choose to dress a certain way because that reflects a piece of us that we intend to share. When someone wears a suit every day, we assume they are a business person. When we go to a job interview, we make sure we dress according to the appropriate dress code (because it may vary). Dress does matter. A dancer is not going to wear clothing they are unable to move in. And a Christian should not wear clothing that does not point to the Father.

We are a peculiar people, and should appear as so. Children of God should not dress in a way that distracts from the message they are trying to convey-- Jesus Christ. Rather, we as children of God want to give off the very message we are trying to preach. When someone looks at you and forms their very first opinion, we want them to see CHRIST, not the vessel. We want to acquire the mind of Christ, not continue to hold on to a faulty mind.

What’s most important?

The most important thing isn’t to focus on dress or any other doctrine. The most important thing is to have a relationship with Jesus! By beholding His love and His example, we become changed into that very image. The goal is that I being so closely knit with Christ, your taste and style will change, in the food you eat, in the content you watch and consume. You WILL BECOME CHRISTLIKE. Dare I say, these outward changes of character are the fruit, and evidence, that God is working in you.

“Brethren and sisters, it is by beholding that we become changed. By dwelling upon the love of God and our Saviour, by contemplating the perfection of the divine character and claiming the righteousness of Christ as ours by faith, we are to be transformed into the same image. Then let us not gather together all the unpleasant pictures—the iniquities and corruptions and disappointments, the evidences of Satan’s power—to hang in the halls of our memory, to talk over and mourn over until our souls are filled with discouragement. A discouraged soul is a body of darkness, not only failing himself to receive the light of God, but shutting it away from others. Satan loves to see the effect of the pictures of his triumphs, making human beings faithless and disheartened.”

–Ellen White, “Counsels for the Church” 80.1

Not only does modest dress greatly influence the ones around us, it even more so influences us to look more at Christ! It should be a potent reminder that Christ is in our lives and walking with us. We should always strive to be the light in the world for others, to attract them to God. What is more attractive than the reverence you feel when covering yourself? Certain styles also come with terrible titles and stereotypes. When I was into worldly fashion, I was constantly fearful of being criticized. I felt I was in competition with others. How do I look in this outfit? Are others going to think I am a certain type of way based on what I'm wearing? It is too short, or not short enough? The more we show off, the less of a treasure we appear. YOU ARE WORTHY IN CHRIST. No validation from the world is going to fulfill the void of worthiness. The world wants us to " be ourselves" in the way they want us to do so. "Be different, but this kind of different is the kind that's cool- so be that way."

“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”

Ephesians 1:6

”And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of principality and power:”

Colossians 2:10

We need to be wearier about the souls we touch every day. We are responsible for each other, and to give off an inviting spirit to others who need Jesus in their lives is the only way they will come to us when they are in need.

I pray this is was a blessing. Let’s have a discussion! Leave a comment below.



A Page From My Journal: Entry 5- Life Update Pt.2


Devotional Series: The Crown Within the Cross